
SYS 103: How to diversify your portfolio by Investing in Online Businesses – Interview with Michael Bereslavsky, Founder of Domain Magnate

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  • SYS 103: How to diversify your portfolio by Investing in Online Businesses – Interview with Michael Bereslavsky, Founder of Domain Magnate

🎙 Steve interviews Michael Bereslavsky, founder of Domain Magnate, a private equity firm. Domain Magnate has a 15-year history of buying, optimizing, and selling profitable online businesses. Michael helps sellers exit their businesses quickly and efficiently. He allows investors to invest in this new industry of online businesses and revenue websites with high potential and high returns through a reputable and experienced firm.

Michael also has his podcast, The Domain Magnate Show. Listeners can learn about this investment area from guests and experts who provide invaluable insights and extensive experience.

In this episode, Michael switches roles and becomes the interviewee. Steve asks him about his aims with Domain Magnate. They discuss Domain Magnate’s potential gains and risks. They also cover different kinds of investment opportunities. Finally, they explore the advantages of selling a specific and well-systemized business.

KEY TAKEAWAYS – Investing in Online Businesses

  • Online businesses are suitable investments. They can be purchased at approximately three times the company’s annual profit. This provides a return much greater than similar investment opportunities.
  • Domain Magnate bypasses the need to manage and turn the investment passive for the user, operating and developing the businesses.
  • Investors can contribute to a Group Fund, a passive investment perfect for inexperienced investors. Alternatively, they can buy an individual website and be more involved in operations and development.
  • If the company already has systems, documentation, and tasks in place, it becomes more attractive to buyers. This preparation makes an acquisition much more appealing. The business can swap owners relatively painlessly.
  • When selling your business, identify areas that won’t function well in your absence. Systemize those areas to reassure a potential buyer of an easy transfer.
Investing in Online Businesses

BEST MOMENTS – Investing in Online Businesses

3:01 – 💬 ‘It’s hardly a passive investment. If you buy an online business, you still have to manage it, operate it and understand how it all works.’ – Michael

8:17 –💬 ‘You can sell anything with revenue or profit. If your business is profitable, there is a chance that there are people who would be interested.’ – Michael

12:06 – 💬 ‘If the business is systemized, it genuinely becomes a lot more interesting to potential buyers.’ – Michael

13:59 –💬 ‘When we acquire content businesses, it’s easy to take over. We know how to do content – that’s what we specialize in, so we can take our system and apply that to the business.’ – Michael

20:51 – 💬 ‘One of the things I’ve learned over the years is the more systems you have, the easier your life becomes.’ – Steve

23:35 –💬 ‘People sell their business because they lose motivation, want to do something different, or no longer feel excited about the topic. And sometimes people build businesses with the intention to sell it.’ – Michael

GUEST RESOURCES – Investing in Online Businesses






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Steve used to be a slave to his business, but when he moved to Sweden in 2015, he was forced to change how he worked. He switched to running his businesses remotely. After totally nailing this concept, he spent his time helping other small business owners do the same. Steve’s been investing in property since 2002, has a degree in Computing, and worked as a doctor in the NHS before quitting to focus full-time on sharing his systems and outsourcing Methodology with the world. He now lives in Sweden and runs his UK-based businesses remotely with the help of his team of Filipino and UK-based Virtual Assistants.

Most business owners are overwhelmed because they don’t know how to create systems or get the right help.

Our systems and outsourcing Courses and coaching programme will help you automate your business and work effectively with affordable virtual assistants. That way, you will stop feeling overwhelmed and start making more money.

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Marketing, podcast, Systems

Steve Day

About the Author

Since 2016, Steve has helped hundreds of business owners to systemise their businesses and outsource their work. In doing so, he has helped them regain control of their lives and create the businesses they set out to build.

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