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  • SYS 063: Simple trick to save 40 hours a year…

🎙 In this episode, Steve reveals a quick trick for you to save one working week a year for the rest of your working life! These time management tips will help you free yourself up for more fruitful or fun tasks.

KEY TAKEAWAYS: Practical Time Management Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs

  • Next time you come to a task and think, “It will only take a few minutes, I should do it myself”, consider this: the time taken delegating that task may seem like a waste of time, but over the year, those “few minutes” add up.
  • Change your mindset to think of the task over the long term; add up those tasks over a year, for instance, and delegating will suddenly make more sense.
  • Lastly, record yourself completing the task. This is also an easy and quick way of producing a tutorial to pass to your staff. In this way, the task can also be passed from staff member to staff member without your intervention.
Mindset Shift: Practical Time Management Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs

BEST MOMENTS: Mindset Shift- Effective Time Management Tips

‘There will then be something else tomorrow that will take you ten minutes and something else the next day that will take you ten minutes. A lot of those will be something that repeats over the course of a week, or a month, or a year.’

‘If you're on a computer, you can use an app like Screencast-O-Matic and record your screen of yourself actually doing the work.’

‘Your time must be more valuable than 3,4,5 dollars per hour as a business owner.’


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Steve Day

About the Author

Since 2016, Steve has helped hundreds of business owners to systemise their businesses and outsource their work. In doing so, he has helped them regain control of their lives and create the businesses they set out to build.

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