
SYS 061: Productivity Hack: Organize For Sharing, Not for Searching!

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  • SYS 061: Productivity Hack: Organize For Sharing, Not for Searching!

🎙 Organizing your files and folders for easy access is essential for time-saving and ease of operation. Steve has some advice on avoiding disappearing into a cloud of data chaos and increasing your productivity by rethinking and modernising how you store your files.

KEY TAKEAWAYS: Practical Techniques for Organizing Files and Folders

  • Grouping can be cumbersome due to the ambiguity of classifying files by specific criteria. Labelling things to make them easy to find by file name has been superseded by advanced search tools like Google.
  • Think in terms of a role-based organisation, which involves giving the right access to files and passwords relevant to their work. Department managers will need complete access to files, videos, apps and all data relevant to their role.
  • This results in only a small number of parent folders within your organisation per department, with subfolders divided by permitted access depending on sub-roles within said departments.
  • Prefix your files with a standardised department-based label. You can then search within files with that department prefix for relevant keywords.
Insights on Organizing Files and Folders Effectively

BEST MOMENTS: Insights on Organizing Files and Folders Effectively

‘This is something that I struggled with for many years. I tried loads of different variations of ideas that I read about. Should it be done by department? Should we be doing it by role? How granular should you go? How many different folders should you have?’

‘Stop trying to organise things for the finding of it and instead think how can I organise it so it’s easy for me to share. That’s the big take home from this.’


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Steve Day

About the Author

Since 2016, Steve has helped hundreds of business owners to systemise their businesses and outsource their work. In doing so, he has helped them regain control of their lives and create the businesses they set out to build.

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