
SYS 112: Creating the Perfect Elevator Pitch – Interview with Industry Expert Mike Verret, Founder of Verret & Associates


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  • SYS 112: Creating the Perfect Elevator Pitch – Interview with Industry Expert Mike Verret, Founder of Verret & Associates

🎙 When communicating a product, service, or idea, or presenting yourself to a listener, keep the description simple and concise. Make it comprehensible and relevant. An Elevator Pitch is the industry name for an introduction or opening gambit. It serves as your initial conversational selling point during a social or networking engagement.

Steve’s guest in this episode, Mike Verret, has spent over 25 years in the brand marketing business. The hallmark of his career is his ability to understand an audience.

Now, through his company, Verret & Associates, he shows businesses and people how to talk about themselves and precisely denote how their company is an incredible opportunity for their audience.

Steve and Mike discuss what he teaches his clients, the perfect structure and content of an Elevator Pitch, the many ways an Elevator Pitch can be used, and his ideas for success.

KEY TAKEAWAYS – The Perfect Elevator Pitch

  • When selling your business, an audience’s attention is captured by you being first, best or different. Mike specialises in precisely identifying how your company is different so you can communicate this concisely to your customers.
  • Your audience needs to be intrigued by the first part of your story or pitch. This is where your difference comes in. Give your audience a reason to engage and a common ground. Then, present your solution and how it works concisely so that they can comprehend it. Then, explain the benefits of your service and validate your service with testimonials and examples.
  • Many business bosses become detached from how people communicate outside of their company and don’t realise that they lose an audience with jargon and technical language.
  • The Elevator Pitch structure or narrative can be used for all sorts of presentations to help you connect with your target audience. All advertising or PR can use this process.
  • Mike offers ‘The Elevator Pitch Construction Guide’, which he uses to work through with his clients to create their definitive elevator pitch.
The Perfect Elevator Pitch

BEST MOMENTS – The Perfect Elevator Pitch

1:30 – 💬 ‘It all starts with the fundamental understanding that we want and need to talk about our business to get people to engage, and we think 100% everything about our business is important. The truth is only 5% matters to our audience, and finding that 5% when you know everything is extremely difficult.’ – Mike

3:32 –💬 ‘You can’t be a business owner and have not heard the words “You need an Elevator Pitch”. All marketing books talk about this and try to make it sound easy to come up with your Elevator Pitch, but it’s so hard.’ – Steve

16:59 – 💬 ‘75% of businesses fail in the first few years; a big reason is that business owners get stressed, overwhelmed, and fail to delegate. We help small business owners to offload their work through using systems and cost-effective remote teams so they can thrive and survive in a world where most businesses fail.’ – Steve

23:31 –💬 ‘What I’m doing is translating what a business does into “audience language”. And the baseline for that is this Elevator Pitch. I’ve created a product called ‘The Elevator Pitch Construction Guide.’ – Mike

25:23 – 💬 ‘The three things that I focus on are answering that question ‘what do you do?’, expanding it across your business where it needs to go, and then when the time comes to talk to people about it, ‘are you going to get the reaction or the action that you need?’ – Mike

34:47 –💬 ‘My expectation for success is I can build a business that is consistent, I’m constantly doing what I’m best at, and my customers and clients get the result they want.’ – Mike

GUEST RESOURCES – The Perfect Elevator Pitch

Website: www.verretandassociates.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-verret

Calendar Link: https://calendly.com/verretandassociates

Course Link: https://verretandassociates.thinkific.com

Email: mike@verretandassociates.com

Check out this free guide: The Elevator Pitch Construction Guide


Website: www.SystemizeYourSuccess.com

Facebook Group: Facebook.com/groups/systemsandoutsourcing/

LinkedIn: LinkedIn.com/company/systemsandoutsourcing/

Instagram: Instagram.com/systems_and_outsourcing/

YouTube: YouTube.com/@drsteveday42


Steve used to be a slave to his business, but when he moved to Sweden in 2015, he was forced to change how he worked. He switched to running his businesses remotely. After totally nailing this concept, he spent his time helping other small business owners do the same. Steve’s been investing in property since 2002, has a degree in Computing, and worked as a doctor in the NHS before quitting to focus full-time on sharing his systems and outsourcing Methodology with the world. He now lives in Sweden and runs his UK-based businesses remotely with the help of his team of Filipino and UK-based Virtual Assistants.

Most business owners are overwhelmed because they don’t know how to create systems or get the right help.

Our systems and outsourcing Courses and coaching programme will help you automate your business and work effectively with affordable virtual assistants. That way, you will stop feeling overwhelmed and start making more money.

To know more about building your business, check out this episode:

Step Beyond Your Expertise and Build a Better Business: An Inspiring Interview with William Buist, Author of Intentional Mastery

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Marketing Strategies, Podcast

Steve Day

About the Author

Since 2016, Steve has helped hundreds of business owners to systemise their businesses and outsource their work. In doing so, he has helped them regain control of their lives and create the businesses they set out to build.

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