
SYS 140: Our Staff Onboarding System for Early Wins and Long-Term Success

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  • SYS 140: Our Staff Onboarding System for Early Wins and Long-Term Success

🎙 Steve shares his personal experience of hiring his first assistant and the mistakes he made during the onboarding process. He emphasises the importance of having a well-structured staff onboarding process. This process makes new hires feel welcomed and prepared to start working effectively.

He also outlines the steps they take in their onboarding process, including crafting a welcome email, setting up company email accounts and adding new hires to necessary apps. They provide training materials, schedule a welcome meeting, and book regular one-on-one meetings.

Steve believes that a strong onboarding process sets a positive first impression and increases the likelihood of long-term employee retention.

KEY TAKEAWAYS – Staff Onboarding System: Key to Early Wins

  • A well-structured onboarding process is crucial for setting new employees up for success. Without proper preparation and organisation, employees may feel lost and unproductive from the start, leading to a higher likelihood of turnover.
  • The onboarding process should begin before the employee’s first day. This includes setting up their company email, adding them to necessary apps and systems, and providing them with training materials to familiarise themselves with the tools they will be using.
  • Communication is key during the onboarding process. Sending a welcome email, scheduling a welcome meeting, and introducing the new employee to the team through videos or other means helps create a positive and welcoming environment.
  • Providing clear expectations and responsibilities is essential. Review the position agreement with the new employee. Additionally, discuss key performance indicators. Explain the task board where you will delegate work. This process helps the new employee understand their role and what you expect of them.
  • Regular one-on-one meetings should be scheduled to build rapport, address questions or concerns, and provide ongoing support and feedback. These meetings help establish a strong working relationship and ensure the employee feels supported and valued.
Staff Onboarding System: Key to Early Wins and Long-Term Success

BEST MOMENTS – Why Staff Onboarding Matters for Long-Term Success

0:39 – 💬 ‘They’ve, you know, gone through a recruitment process, they’ve got this new job, they’re super excited, and they arrive and I was just a mess.’

17:50 – 💬‘I truly believe that if you follow these steps and set up a proper professional onboarding process, when people come to work for you, they get this incredible first impression, something that makes your company stand out way, way above 99% of the small businesses out there.’

TIMESTAMPED OVERVIEW – Effective Staff Onboarding Process

[00:00:50] Unprofessional onboarding leads to high turnover.

[00:03:30] Welcome email congratulating and setting expectations.

[00:06:37] Safer password-sharing apps, user login needed.

[00:12:21] An Efficient onboarding process makes the first day smoother.

[00:13:39] Training videos replace staff training with recordings.

[00:18:11] Set up apps, training, communication, welcome meetings, and ongoing support.


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Steve was a slave to his business, but when he moved to Sweden in 2015, he was forced to change how he worked. He switched to running his businesses remotely. After totally nailing this concept, he spent his time helping other small business owners do the same. Steve’s been investing in property since 2002, has a degree in Computing, and worked as a doctor in the NHS before quitting to focus full-time on sharing his systems and outsourcing Methodology with the world. He now lives in Sweden and runs his UK-based businesses remotely with the help of his team of Filipino and UK-based Virtual Assistants.

Most business owners are overwhelmed because they don’t know how to create systems or get the right help.

Our systems and outsourcing Courses and coaching programme will help you automate your business and work effectively with affordable virtual assistants. That way, you will stop feeling overwhelmed and start making more money.

To learn more about Hiring and Onboarding Staff, check out this episode:
Behind The Scenes: How We Decide When to Recruit Staff and What They Should Do (Small Business)

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Outsourcing, podcast, Virtual Assistant

Steve Day

About the Author

Since 2016, Steve has helped hundreds of business owners to systemise their businesses and outsource their work. In doing so, he has helped them regain control of their lives and create the businesses they set out to build.

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