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  • Is $3 An Hour a Fair Wage?

When employing a Virtual Assistant, do you think $3 per hour is a fair wage?

How much should you pay them, and what are your responsibilities towards them? What is the best way to structure reward and praise?

Sometimes in the world of VA’s, the rules and regulations can be a little unclear. So Steve is here to summarise what you should be putting in place to pay and support your team and fulfil your obligations as an employer.


  • Sometimes the payment that people ask for in other countries can seem low. However, if you pay them the normal wage for your country, you may be significantly overpaying them concerning the economy where they live.
  • Bear in mind that VAs will be paying all their own taxes. So you need to bear that in mind when deciding how much you will pay them.
  • When advertising a job, ask the applicant what they expect to receive. Then you can eliminate them based on the range you are deciding to pay.
  • You can hire at a lower rate if you recruit at a base level and train the employee up in your specific systems. According to your company policy, you can then give pay increases as their skills improve.
  • You can give bonuses based on performance or provide payments like Christmas bonuses. Paid time off can also decrease burnout.
  • Health insurance can be a good incentive for employees, depending on the country.
When employing a Virtual Assistant, do you think $3 per hour is a fair wage? How much should you pay them, and what are your responsibilities towards them?


‘We’ve learnt a lot in all of those experiences and a lot about how to bring people on board, how to pay them what they are worth, so they feel they are getting a good bang for their buck in terms of the time that they actually give to you, and that you’re getting a good return on your investment for the amount you pay them relative to where they live.’

‘The way I chose to go was to pay people a good wage, above the average based on the country in which the person lives.’

‘We are looking for people who have the aptitude and the ability to learn and progress, and that’s why most of the people we start at the general assistant level.’

‘We actually reward people in terms of their appraisal if they are the type of person who brings solutions rather than bringing problems.’

‘I used to have staff; they just work and work and work and never ask for a day off. Then you realize they’re not asking for a day off because they don’t want to lose their wage. So we actually force people to take time off.’


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The RIGHT Assistants For Your Business by Dr Steve Day

Since you are also employing Virtual Assistants, do you think $3 per hour is a fair wage? Let us know your thoughts.

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Steve Day

About the Author

Since 2016, Steve has helped hundreds of business owners to systemise their businesses and outsource their work. In doing so, he has helped them regain control of their lives and create the businesses they set out to build.

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